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In July 2016, 9-year-old Remi Demblans-Dechans was in a first-round tennis match at the Western Montana Open in Missoula, taking on Bozeman’s Anna Joly in the girls 12 and under draw. Early in the match she knew something wasn't right. She didn't know that the real battle had only just begun.
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Clint Collins was a lifelong Griz fan. When he passed, his family decided to honor his legacy by distributing one of his most prized possessions. Little did they know the series of events they had set in motion.
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Rob Smith has been a staple of every Missoula Bruins game for over a decade. He has only two goals, bringing a smile to everyone who walks through the gates, and making sure nobody but the players walk through his gate.
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Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Rose Grant has injured them all and more. But through the injuries and pain, recoveries and heartache, Grant continues to push herself back to form, because now she has someone watching every move she makes.
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One of the hottest issues in sports for the past decade: Should collegiate athletes get paid? While we still may be a long way from a final answer, California at least took the first step.
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For most, shattering their ankle and severing the nerve through their foot would be enough to call it quits. For Nina, that wasn't even the most difficult part of getting the ball down the lane.
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CMU head coach Jeff Sherman didn't know it when he took the job, but the Colorado native has built a family in mid-Missouri over the past 30 years. He also didn't know that it would be the family he built that would be the ones to come together around him when the times got tough.
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More than 60,000 high school athletes suffer concussions every year and one company is trying to change that. But is this new pad effective, or does it actually make football more dangerous?
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Cynthia Riccotti is one of the top amateur disc golfers in the world. Now with the help of her teacher, Riccotti isn't just training for the pros, she's hoping to spark and interest in the next generation.
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(561) 340-9113

Communications Director &
Membership Engagement Coordinator

Country Club of Spartanburg Communications Director & Membership Engagement Coordinator | Former NBC Montana Sports Director | University of Missouri Radio-TV Broadcast & Psychology class of 2018 | South Florida native | Baker at heart, specializing in cookies | The greatest honor someone can give you is the ability to tell their story

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